Stay away from these chemicals commonly found in home for good health of kids

Air freshners are used within indoor built environments such as workplaces, schools, housing, transportation, hotels, hospitals, care facilities and a range of private and public building.

These air freshners emit a fragrance to mask or cover the odors ,they do not remove the odor.Their ingredients are largely unknown.

The most common chemicals in fragrance mixtures are Terpenes (limonene,pinene ,etc ) and they are highly toxic.

When they react with ozone in the air they generate a range of secondary pollutant like Formaldehyde and ultra fine particles.

Ultra fine particles have been linked with heart and lung diseases and respiratory difficulties

We increase our risk when we combine products with fragrances such as cleaning products, hand sanitizers, deo, laundary products etc.

Adverse health effects 

Air freshners are responsible for higher indoor pollutant level resulting in various health problems

Migrane headaches
Asthama attack
Mucosal symptoms
Breathing difficulties
Infant illness

Are air freshners safe for our kids ?

No, absolutely not.

"Kids don't have a complete metabolic system -they can't 
process things the way adults do"-says Prof.Pinkerton 
[Department of Paediatric at U.C.Davis school of medicine]

 Whatever is in the air , a child may have as many as 30 times greater exposure because of their size and their level of activity.

Harmfull chemicals in the air freshners increases the risk of 

  • stomach disorder  
  • asthama attack
  • watery eyes
  • skin irritation
  • allergic reaction
  • lung infection
  • bleeding nose                      

Not even this toxin materials in air freshners can cause nose as well as throat cancer also.


Try to make your home, toxin, chemicals and fragrance free.

      The Best smell is no smell.

Natural solution for good smelling home

Why to put a hole in pocket as well as in health by store bought air freshners when we can easily make some air freshners by our own with simple and natural ingredients.

So lets make simple diy air freshners :

1. Coffee beans air freshner
Image result for coffee beans air freshener

                  Who does'nt like the relaxing smell of let's make your own super easy air freshner.

you will be needed - 
  • 3/4th cup of coffee beans
  • one diya               

Take some coffee beans in a bowl and put a burning diya on the beans.when the beans get heated then your room gets freshened by soothing aroma of coffee.
2. Orange peel as air freshner        

Image result for orange peel air freshener       


 you will need
  • 1 large/medium orange
  • olive oil   or any cooking oil                                            
  Cut orange from top and completely remove its inner pulp by spoon .your orange diya is ready to use.fill it by olive oil or any cooking oil and light it using cotton ball.

The fruity smell will freshen up your entire home.

3.Vanilla extracts 

          if you love the smell of vanilla then take vanilla extract on some cotton balls.put these cotton balls in a jar with hole on lid.enjoy the smell.
Image result for spray bottle
4.Vinegar and essential oils 

        take 3/4th cup of water, 2 teaspoon vinegar and 8-9 drops of your favorite essential oil in a spray bottle.mix them well and spray whenever needed.

Try to stay close to mother nature as much as possible for healthy life.

          Stay natural,stay healthy


  1. These are good home remedies. I'll definitely try at home.

  2. Came to know something new...will definitely refrain myself from using these products....will go for home remedies

  3. Very informative article.....with nice suggestions...๐Ÿ‘

  4. Thanks Nitika. The artcile is really an eye opener

  5. In this busy world we even dont know about these things. Thanks to you to informing us, we will surely do all things and spread this to many

  6. This is something that everybody should know. Great information !


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